2023 Jehovah’s Witnesses Convention: What It Focuses On

As the 2023 annual convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses began in the ancient city of Ibadan, the Oyo state capital, the Chairman of the Ibadan 1 Convention, Mr. Abiodun Ajuwon, has called on the dwellers to exercise patience in the face of world’s challenging situations.


Speaking in an interview on Sunday, the concluding session of the three-day Convention held at the Assembly Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Ifatumo, Lagelu Local Government, Oyo state, Ajuwon, stressed that so many people are becoming very impatient as a result of depressing economic and social conditions.


He said: “All over the world, when you take a look at the lifestyle of many people today, you will observe that it reflects gross impatience. At our places of employment, in our schools, in the marketplace, when people queue up, when they’re driving a vehicle, and in many other aspects of life, impatience is so often manifested.”


He continued by urging authority figures, family members and workmates to endeavor to exercise patience because the virtue is needed in all ramifications of life.


This, according to him, makes the Convention subject theme ‘Exercise Patience’ very timely!


Commenting on the significance of the annual convention, the Chairman also emphasized the importance of why Jehovah’s witnesses always gather together in small or large numbers, saying that this was in line with God’s command at Heb. 10 vs 24 & 25, where the scriptures say: ‘We must not forsake the gathering of ourselves together so as to encourage and be encouraged, to refresh and be refreshed as a way of showing honor to God and neighbors in a world where many show a lack of patience.’


One of the highlights of the convention was the public talk entitled “WILL GOD ACT IN YOUR BEHALF?” delivered by Mr. Abolade Idowu who reminded the Convention attendees of the need to build confidence in prayer despite disappointing life experiences.


“We live in a period of time that things are not easy and if we lose faith in Jehovah, we will not see his hands”, he noted while delivering the talk.


In the convention, 42 new ones were baptised in water immersion.


Among the newly baptised was a 53-year-old woman.


Speaking after her baptism, a woman, Mrs. Stella Udor, who was excited to have reached her goal of baptism, expressed gratitude to God for the grand privilege to be among fellow worshippers of Jehovah.


She said, “I feel happy and fulfilled and I want to do more in the service of Jehovah by assisting others to learn about His wonderful purpose for mankind.”


The in-person convention which started on Friday September 15, 2023 at the Ifatumo Assembly Hall is coming after a three-year pause since the Covid-19 restrictions.


About 6,000 conventions will be held worldwide as part of the 2023 convention series. In Nigeria alone, more than 320 conventions will be held in 39 host cities, out of which 11 will be held in Ibadan city alone.


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