Easter: Oyo NUJ advocates responsible, responsive leadership in Nigeria, celebrates Christians


The Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Oyo State Council, has congratulated all christians in the state and the entire country on the occasion of this year’s Easter celebration, which is all about the commemoration of the significance of the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.


The congratulatory message was contained in a statement jointly endorsed by the NUJ Chairman in the state, Chief Ademola Babalola, and Secretary, Comrade Olusola Oladapo, on Sunday.


According to the statement: “Easter is a season that brings fresh memory of how Jesus Christ, who was without sin, was betrayed, arrested, judged, beaten, nailed to the cross, buried and resurrected on the third, as he had foretold that he would do in order to save people from the bondage of sins and reconcile them back to Almighty God.


“Without the death and resurrection of Christ, the work of salvation would not be complete and there won’t be Christianity today. It is a time of celebration as well as a season of sober reflection to ruminate on the lessons of Easter.


“Therefore, the significance of Easter has to do with determination, selflessness, overcoming of fear, obedience to the will of God, eternal life, forgiveness of sins, removal of curses of mankind over eating of forbidden fruits by the first man on earth, assurance that God will not abandon His loved ones as He did not abandon Jesus Christ in the tomb, as well as the privilege to pray in the name of Jesus Christ and so on.”


The NUJ in Oyo State, however, appealed to everyone, including outgoing and incoming political office holders to emplace the lessons and significance of Easter appropriately in their lives, The lesson, Babalola said, should reflect in their live, in their relationship with God, and mankind, adding that people should love one another and live together in harmony, irrespective of religion.


“The leaders that we have in every capacity should at the same time administer with the fear or God. They should know that death is inevitable end of every mortal. But there is life after death. Everybody shall appear before the judgment throne. It is incontrovertible that everyone will give account of his or her stewardship before God. If your work should pass through fire on the judgment day, will it come out glittering like gold, or its will be burnt. So, I urge our political leaders, and other leaders at various capacities, to be responsible and be responsive in leadership.”


Babalola also prayed for the peace and unity of Nigeria, especially as the country moves towards the commencement of a new political dispensation.


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