Oyo NUJ applauds Gov Makinde for appointing NLC Chairman as Perm Sec


By Adams Akorede

The Oyo State Chairman of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Comrade Ademola Babalola on Sunday hailed the appointment of the immediate past State Chairman of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Comrade Bayo Titilola-Sodo.

Titilola-Sodo was recently appointed as pioneer Permanent Secretary in the State Local Government Staff Pensions Board.

Titilola-Sodo, who was until his appointment the Head of Local Government Administration (HLGA) in Atiba local government, was the immediate past President of the Nigeria Union of Local Government Employees (NULGE) in the State.

Babalola, at a special luncheon organised by the NUJ in honour of erstwhile labour leader, described the elevation of Titilola-Sodo as a welcome development to the labour movement.

Babalola said, “the elevation of our distinguished NLC Chairman, Comrade Bayo Titilola-Sodo is a welcome development especially if we are to go by the exploits of the labour leader in the State local government administration.

“It is a thing of joy that the labour of our heroes are no longer in vain. Titilola-Sodo is a man imbued with character of Omoluabism.

“He has weathered the storm and deserves all the accolades one can muster. A great thinker and highly disciplined Union leader, Comrade Titilola-Sodo is a selfless and wonderful personality whose love for fellow workers attest to why he was elected twice as NULGE President and recently as NLC Chairman.

“On behalf of all journalists in the State, I celebrate an achiever and great citizen of the State. May God guide, guard and protect you to excel in this onerous task.

“We also commend Mr. Governor, Engr. Seyi Makinde for appointing a thoroughbred professional like you as a pioneer Permanent Secretary in the State Local Government Staff Pensions Board.

“The governor, by this singular appointment, has shown that he is a listening leader, who heeded the cries of local government workers to have a permanent Secretary in the local government staff pensions board,” Babalola added.

Responding, Titilola-Sodo who was in company of some labour leaders, including the Acting Chairman of NLC, Kayode Martins thanked the NUJ for the honour and expressed his readiness to work with Governor Makinde in realising his continuous and timely payment of retired council workers’ pensions as and when due.

He said the local government workers had been championing the need for the State to have permanent Secretary in the pensons board, saying the governor by his appointment has fulfilled one of his electoral promises to the workers in the State.

Titilola-Sodo said, “I can’t thank my brother, the NUJ Chairman, Demola Babalola enough for this honour. He is a worthy comrade and the transformation of the press centre in less than seven months of his tenure, attests to his brilliance, astutenes and unalloyed support and cooperation of his wonderful team.

“I equally wish to specially thank His Excellency, Engr. Seyi Makinde for his love for the state workforce. Governor Makinde approved minimum wage early this year and also paid its arrears to workers, notwithstanding the coronavirus pandemic which has badly affected the state’s resources.

“Workers in this State owe His Excellency a lot. We are grateful for the support to the council workers and pensioners. He is a man with milk of kindness. He has lifted the fortunes of Oyo State workers since he came on board last year. We will continue to support him to actualise his dreams for a better Oyo State,” Titilola-Sodo added.


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