Aare Musulumi tasks Ummah on Covid-19 safety protocols at Sallah


As Islamic faithfuls all over the world mark this year’s Eid-Al Adha Celebrations, an advise has gone to all Muslims to ensure strict adherence to the COVID-19 Safety protocols religiously as they observe their Eid prayers all over the country.

This advice was contained in a Sallah message by the Aare Musulumi Of Yorubaland, Edo and Delta States, Alh Dawud Makanjuola Akinola to Ummah towards this year’s Eid Kabir celebration.

Alhaji Akinola in the message signed by his media aide, Mr Akin Abolade noted that though Eid-al Adha Celebration is always characterised by mass movement and friendly felicitation, the novel Pandemic as made it mandatory that Muslims should join in curbing the further spread and protection of lives by adhering to COVID-19 safety protocols as they pray to Almighty Allah during the Eid.

The religious leader further counsel faithfuls to,as much as possible, avoid crowded places but in situations where avoidance is not visible, they are advised to wear face mask, observe social distancing and be safety conscious.He further expressed optimism that with cooperation of all citizens, the joint efforts against COVID-19 would yield good fruits adding that Almighty Allah (SWT) who knows the beginning of all things, would surely end this Pandemic very soon.

Alh Akinola charged the Ummah,as they consciously and cautiously celebrate, not to forget the various lessons of Eid-al Adha, an Islamic festival to commemorate the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his only son, Ismail in fulfilment of his earlier promise towards Allah’s gift to him and Allah, realising Prophet Ibrahim loyalty and enormous sacrifice, gave him a ram to sacrifice as a replacement for his son Ismail, this teaches us to always keep to our promises, have great faith in Almighty Allah and adhere to His commandments.

This year’s festival is very significant as it’s being celebrated worldwide with restricted pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia as a result of the rampaging effect of Corona virus pandemic.

Despite the limited celebration, Aare Akinola reminded Muslims not to forget the charitable act embedded in the festival as an act of Ibadah. He reiterated the open show of love as one of the unique nature of the season.

The religious leader however urged Muslim Ummah to pray for the quick end of the pandemic and beseech Almighty Allah for peace,  progress and development of the country.


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