Isese Day: ‘Odidiomo’ Admonishes Traditional Worshippers To Pray for Peace, Unity

The lawmaker representing Ibadan North-west/Ibadan South-west federal constituency of Oyo state, Hon. Adedeji Dhikrullahi Olajide has extended warm felicitations to traditional worshippers worldwide on this year’s annual Isese Day celebration.

In a congratulatory message to mark the day, Hon. Olajide expressed his goodwill to all adherents of traditional religion, urging them to use the day to pray for peace, unity and stability in the state and the country.

As part of the celebrations, the state government has declared August 20, 2024, a work-free day in commemoration of Isese Day.

This declaration is aimed at allowing traditional worshippers and all citizens to participate fully in the festivities and reflect on the significance of the day.

Hon. Olajide, according to his Special Adviser on Media and Public Affairs, Tolu Mustapha, emphasized the importance of peaceful co-existence and national unity.

He encouraged all citizens to seize the opportunity to pray for the well-being and progress of the state and the nation while also stressing the need for tolerance, understanding and mutual respect among all citizens, regardless of their religious affiliations.

The Isese Day celebration is an annual event that holds great significance for traditional worshippers worldwide.

It is a day set aside to appreciate the rich cultural heritage and traditions of the people and will be marked with various activities, including traditional dances, cultural performances and prayers at designated centres across the state.