In a remarkable display of kindness and generosity, Hon. Adedeji Dhikrullahi Olajide, a member of the House of Representatives, has embarked on a massive...
In the spirit of the upcoming Eid El Kabir, Ileya, celebration, Hon. Adedeji Dhikrullahi Olajide, representing Ibadan North/ West, Ibadan South/West Federal Constituency is...
As Nigeria navigates the complexities of its political landscape, effective representation in the legislature is crucial for the growth and development of constituencies.
Hon. Adedeji...
Hon. Adedeji Dhikrullahi Olajide, member representing Ibadan North-West/Ibadan South-West Federal Constituency of Oyo state in the House of Representatives, has expressed delight at the...
The House of Representatives member representing Ibadan North-West/Ibadan South-West, federal constituency of Oyo state, Hon. Adedeji Dhikrullahi Olajide, has called for an urgent, upward...