The Only Way Adeboye’s Apology Can Be Accepted On Tithes – Satguru Maharaj Ji Reveals

The Living Perfect Master and the Founder of One Love Family, Satguru Maharaj Ji, has called out the general overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Pastor Enoch Adeboye, following his recent apology on tithing.

Pastor Adeboye’s name has been trending on social media after the clergyman tendered a public apology over his sermon of many years ago, in which he declared that people who do not pay tithe would not make it to heaven.

Pastor Adeboye tendered this apology during his church’s Internation Youth Convention (IYC) at the Redemption City of God, Mowe, Ogun State.

“I’m apologizing for saying,’If you don’t pay tithe, you won’t make it to heaven.’ I’m sorry, that’s wrong, and it’s not in the Bible. What the Bible says is, ‘Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see God,” Adeboye had said.

Maharaj Ji said Adeboye’s apology does not mean anything until he returns the tithes he collected from his congregation.

“I truly believe that a lot of the fakest people are found in churches, my opinion not yours. Your apology doesn’t mean anything unless you promise to return the tithe money they give you for mumu people wey wan bribe dia way to heaven.

“Since your announcement decades ago, that people should trow away their TVs, I had always known that your way is not pure as person wey dey “drink tea with God”.

“There is nothing worse than a fault finding finger pointing Pastor who is as fake as the blings. Apology? when you know exactly what you’re doing.”

“Pastor Adeboye tells pastors to tell their church members they won’t make heaven unless they pay their tithe. One word for him: fraud! We need to put an end to pastors blackmailing the hopeless and poor into giving what they don’t have.

“Only thing Pastor Adeboye knows how to do is stand on that pulpit to ask people to donate billions of Naira to build more church branches. Please, how is this any different from a business model? Of course you’ll be right to say “taking care of IDP Camps is government’s responsibility” but, the Bible didn’t teach that we should leave kindness and humanity to government, so. I am telling you that Pastor Adeboye declaring non-payment of tithe as the ticket to hell is FRAUD!

“I know many of you will come and say “How do you know Pastor Adeboye is not doing this already?” My answer is NO! In furtherance, don’t be a fool to defend a pastor that doesn’t even know your name. It’s time everybody came to full appreciation that churches in Nigeria are business establishments set up to extort the poor and hopeless. If you give your tithe, the windows of heaven will open to you…” IT IS A SCAM!

“How many rich men of this world give tithes? Dangote dey pay tithes? Okay, I know you’ll say devil gave them that money. Shut up! If Jesus Christ was in Nigeria, would he ignore the IDP Camps and not bring good tidings to them? Aren’t they our brothers, sisters and neighbors? Why can’t Pastor Adeboye say “okay this month, we are raising N500m for our kinsmen in IDP Camps”? Pastors acquiring private jets, building mansions, amassing stupendous wealth, but they’re teaching the poor masses “Heaven is your goal and home, this world is a journey”

“Pastors that take money from politicians, then are the first to call judges (a member of their church) when such politicians face charges in their court. Nah, not today Satan. Typical Nigerian church: — Preach prosperity — Ask for donations — Do thanksgiving — Ask for donation — Preach about tithe — Ask for donation. Money, money, money, money. All the tithe RCCG has been receiving, what have they done with it? They successfully built a school that members of their church can’t afford. School built with their hard-earned money.”

“Wow!!! Is this for real? If it is, are this man’s senses still in his custody? Is this how hard this tithing issue is biting them? Do I sense desperation? Philippians 3:19 ►New International Version Their destiny is destruction, their god is their belly, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things.

“Mark 12:31 ►NIV The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Tithing is the law and teachers of the law are going to Hell according to the Bible read it! Christianity deserves an apology for this unscriptural doctrines and teaching. Let me tell you guys the real truth, tithing is an unprofitable venture because it is the LAW and it brings curses, especially when you don’t obey the entire law.”

“Ask yourself this question and answer in your own honesty, then see who and who are true Christians: How many tithes did Christ and the Apostles collected in order to spread the gospel we have today since you’re saying tithe is used to fund spreading of the gospel. While you’re giving the response kindly put up Bible verses to show that Christ and the Apostles received tithes to fund spreading of the gospel.”

“Paying of tithe has stopped since My appearance as the Satguru Maharaj Ji of this age whose love and compassion from the Creator has come with Divine Knowledge to reveal the third eye to flush out all evils, principalities, negativity in our lives.

“You will be shocked and surprised to know that the European Aristocracy forged the Holy Books by removing and replacing the Original Holy Name of The Creator Called Maharaj Ji with God, Allah etc., in their Constantinople Conference 21AD and AD60, and that was the beginning of the problems of the entire human race today, waiting for the Creator to come down.

“Sometimes ago, the constitutional lawyer and human rights activists took a swipe at Pastor Adeboye saying he is creating business centers rather than churches because the branches will be engaging in the task of contributing more money for the church.

“This carnage has been sustained with information war (books, films and billions of money) and they are advancing and revising strategies year after year, providing cars, homes for adherents, but this has not been able to solve the already deadly situationas century after century, the protagonists of this sacrilege endlessly keep bending the minds of the people with all kinds of mantra like climate change, Jesus is coming etc., saturated with all kinds of promises on socio economic projects and policies which have not been able to save man from incessant wars, genocide, accidental deaths, hunger, poverty, creating a vacuum without a Divine Teacher capable of directing the affairs of the human race like the role the air plays in human life.

“Moreover, the sin and repent syndrome introduced through the backdoor, does not correspond with the social practice of the nucleus black man nay the core traditionalist and farmers who live beyond 100, cannot be compared with the polluted and educated people who are dying mysteriously below age 90 for being used, overworked and sapped to sustain the colonialists who are producing what we cannot produce and that is why we lose the methuselah in us, for being exiled from The Creator (MAHARAJ JI) to follow the laws and principles of nature which would have recharged and purified our hearts and stayed within us to live longer.

“Some of us claim God has done it for them through prayer can only be found in SDPC (Spiritually Displaced People Camps) all over Africa where qualification, profession, capacity, merit, hard-work, intelligence  etc., are no longer considered the criteria for promotion which automatically renders one a slave as in the case of some African countries, particularly Nigeria whose southern inhabitants are blindfolded by religion and politics of attraction have been ripped off of their title of first children of the Creator.

“The Colonia Governments have apologized times without number for the genocide committed but our leaders are yet to wake up from this night mare of a leader who cannot transform his dreams into reality on one hand and our lack of understanding that is Absolutely Unacceptable to agree to the philosophy that man has to die to see the Creator who is Omnipresent, Omniscience and Omnipotent. It does not make sense even though there is enough evidence to prove that we are the perfect image of the Creator and He is always living with us but perhaps He is a Melanin man, hence the present dichotomy, chicanery and rebel liken to replace Him with books, guns and money and only to lose the life.

“Remember, if prayers is the answer with Africa having the highest number of religious houses in the world, we would have become the leading exporter nation and among G7 nations of the world.

“With the Holy Name Maharaj Ji, you will find peace, love, harmony and would be lifted out of poverty instantly because the Grace will reveal to you what you, the brother, sister and or the nation needs to do to become perfectly in effective control of every situation to ensure peace and tranquility.

“At his age, with all the money and wealth that he has, does he need to still deceive the people again through his sermons? Enough of the way you’re leading an entire youth generation with this scam! Come out now to tell the world the real truth that the Master, Satguru Maharaj Ji is walking on the planet. He has come to reveal Divine Knowledge which is our birth right to the people of the world.

“It is about empowering man with the knowledge of how to utilize the quantum of Divibe energy in him or her to achieve redemption from the problems of earthly life. He is the revealer of the Divine Light that dwells in man.

“Christianity in the Western countries is in a sheer decline, particularly in Europe, where church audience levels has fallen very low. In most countries, the tendency is the same, even if less dramatic. The truth is that modern people just aren’t very fascinated anymore in practicing Christianity. A large number of churches in European countries stand deserted. Many churches have been made into buildings for non-religious use. Many others have been sold to non-Christians who have changed them into their own places of worship.

Why has it happened? “The point simply is,” observes Koenraad Elst, writer and Inadologist, “that European Christians of many generations, have outgrown Christianity. Most people who left the church have found that they are not missing anything, and that beliefs which provided a framework for interpreting and shaping life, were but a bizarre and unnecessary construction after all. They know that Jesus was not God’s Only-begotten Son, that he did not save humanity from eternal sin, and that our happiness in this world or the next does not depend on believing these or any other dogmas.”
Wall Street Journal, a leading financial newspaper of US, recently published an article, Europe’s Empty Churches Go on Sale. According to it, “The rapid weakening of the faith in Europe is reflecting in closing of Europe’s churches. Europe-wide numbers of closed churches are scarce, but figures from individual countries are telling. The Church of England closes about 20 churches a year. Roughly 200 Danish churches have been deemed nonviable or underused. The Roman Catholic Church in Germany has shut about 515 churches in the past decade. But it is in the Netherlands where the trend appears to be most advanced. The country’s Roman Catholic leaders estimate that two-thirds of their 1,600 churches will be out of commission in a decade, and 700 of Holland’s Protestant churches are expected to close within four years.”
“Your last chance now is to tell the whole world the truth about The Master, Satguru Maharaj Ji.
“People going to church to pray is like feeding a phyton which a fresh egg, what do you expect from such action?