NYCN President Resolves Crisis in Katsina, Sokoto and Nasarawa Chapters


The President of the National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN), Amb. Sukubo Sara-Igbe Sukubo has congratulated the newly elected Chairman of Sokoto State Chapter, Comrade Yakubu Abubakar and his counterpart in Katsina, Comrade shamsu Ibrahim Shamo for their success at the poll.

The Youth President personally observed the recently conducted election in Katisna state, commended the state governor, Aminu Bello Masari for creating enabling environment for Katisna Youths.

He charged the governor ” to do more by giving more Youths opportunity to help in coordinating the affairs of the state”.

Amb. Sukubo who also doubles as Secretary of NYCN Board of Trustees (BoT), in a statement he signed, Thursday also urged Comrade Abubakar, Comrade Shamo and the reinstated Chairman of Nasarawa State Chapter, Comrade Idris Ojoko

NYCN President explained that ” You may recall that for years in these states, some NYCN Chairmen have spent more than the stipulated time, while crisis engulfed chapters.

” In line with the commitment of NYCN National Executive Council (NEC), ably led by my humble self, we set up a reconciliation committee to resolve the crisis and ensure that elections are conducted where necessary. To the Glory of God, we have achieved success. He said.

The Youth President who expressed happiness that under his watch election was peacefully conducted in Katsina, Sokoto and crisis in Nasarawa resolved, said: ” in these states, NYCN is now peaceful and united for a common goal. This is a step in the right direction. And we shall not rest until the crises in our state chapters are fully resolved”.

The statement partly read ” I wish to congratulate the newly elected NYCN Sokoto State Chapter Chairman, Comrade Yakubu Abubakar and his Katsina State counterpart, Comrade shamsu Ibrahim Shamo for their victory at the recently conducted elections.

” Comrades, your victory and that of the reinstated Chairman of Nasarawa State Chapter Comrade Idris Ojok should reawake and repositioned not just NYCN, but the entire Youths in your various states for peace, unity and development.

” Youth remain an important segment of our country. The vigour and spirit that we embody as youth will play a crucial role in the socio-economic development of Nigeria, and its rejuvenation. As such, NYCN remains the most critical organisations to assist both Federal and State Governments in providing solutions to all identified problems.

” I urge every one of us to task ourselves and members of the State Executive Council (SEC) to come up with ideas, programs and even projects that will educate, enlighten and empower the Youths to take their rightful leadership position. Our States and Nigeria at large are waiting for us free them from the shackles of underdevelopment.

” As leaders of today, and tomorrow, I urge you all to preach and practice peace; demonstrate patriotism at all levels; rid yourselves of laziness. Development of your states and Youth’s interest, in particular, should be above all forms of interests.

” To achieve all these, our doors at the NYCN National Headquarters shall remain open for any require assistant or support to make your stay impactful”.


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