JUST IN: Oyo Records Fresh Cases of COVID-19, Moves to 5th Position


By Oluwakemi Ishola

Oyo State, on Thursday, recorded eight fresh cases of coronavirus, bringing the number of confirmed cases to 260. The state now moves to 5th position on the national Covid-19 log.

The new active cases were revealed in the routine update of information released by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) late Thursday.

Also, the agency also said 182 cases of the deadly virus were recorded on Thursday May 28, 2020, in FCT and fifteen states of the country. The latest numbers bring the  total number of confirmed cases to 8915. Total discharged cases stands at 2592 while 259 deaths cases have been recorded so far.

Here is the breakdown of the 182 new cases of COVID19;

Lagos-111.                 FCT-16.              Akwa Ibom-10

Oyo-8.                       Kaduna-6.          Delta-6

Rivers-5.                   Ogun-4.              Ebonyi-4

Kano-3.                     Plateau-2.          Gombe-2

Kebbi-1.                     Kwara-2.            Bauchi-1



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