NOA urges citizens to respect nation’s symbols



The National orientation Agency, Oyo State Directorate on Monday observed the National Ordinance Day across the 33 local Government areas of the state.

The event is aimed at re-awakening the citizens to the features of Nigeria’s National symbols and why they must be respected.

This the state Director of the Agency, Mrs Dolapo Dosunmu said, is in line towards realizing the Agency’s overaching objective in raising  the consciousness of Nigerians to their civic duties.

In a press release signed by Dosunmu , she maintained that  the need to sensitize the public on how to deal with National symbols has become increasingly important as the agency’s public opinion poll recently conducted, has shown high level lackadaisical attitudes of many people as regards   the National symbols.

Mrs Dosunmu reiterated  that ‘’ a Nation’s Symbols are its identities that stand it out among other nations , therefore, the National symbols should be a citizen ‘s pride and should be held in high reverence at all times’’.

She berated the way some people and even organizations sometimes hoist the Nigerian Flag in haphazard manner, spend mutilated and unkempt  National currencies , keep their international passports in a shoddy manner and even the way they sing National Anthem and pledge carelessly among others.

She stressed that all the national symbols have their own rules guiding them that should not be breached for whatever reason.

The NOA Director urges the citizens to be patriotic and show their love for the country in the way they uphold the National symbols. ‘This, she added should be a continuous practice and not a one-off exercise that should be observed only on National Ordinance Day”.


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