Firm empowers 50, 000 Nigerians, opens Ibadan office

As part of efforts to reduce poverty and unemployment rate in the country, Property World African Network Group has empowered 50,000 Nigerians.
The PWANG also opened a new office in Ibadan at the weekend in its bid towards empowering Nigerians through its networking business.
The new office located at Challenge area of Ibadan was unveiled by the group’s founder and Chairman, Dr Augustine Onwumere.
It will be recalled that the International property firm was established in 2012 and has 22 offices across the states of Nigeria.
Onwumere said that apart from the company being a business venture, it is also poised at alleviating poverty and unemployment in the country through empowerment.
He said that the company which has more than 50 estates across the country, had in seven years of existence empowered thousands of Nigerians who are doing very well in the country.
“Our company is into property sales and development. We have estates in Ogun, Lagos, Awka, Port Harcourt, Asaba and Warri. Our services extends to Kenya, Ghana and now moving to South Africa.
“Our company is registered. We have structures, buildings, properties, integrity and have responsible people in the group. We are not Ponzi Scheme.
“What we pride about is empowerment. We use these estates as an empowerment platform to help many Nigerians to be gainfully employed and financially independent,” he said.
Onwumere said that PWAN Group is a registered company and had in the last seven years of its existence contributed immensely to the nation’s economic growth.
He said that the company had in the last seven years established 22 offices across the country and empowered more than 50,000 Nigerians.
According to him, “We have more than 50,000 active consultants and partners in the country who have benefitted from the company’s empowerment.
“We offer free training and seminars for our consultants and partners on how to sell and excel on the marketing network ladder. The partner and consultants on the networking chain have various benefits attached to their work,” he said.
Onwumere said that partners and consultants on the company’s marketing network are paid commission with other benefits as they climb through the various steps.
Mr Tony Edeh, a Partner in the group, said the marketing network was a rewarding business and could be undertaken by both employed as well as unemployed Nigerians.
Edeh described the services of the company as rewarsing empowerment platform for every hardworking Nigerian, saying it is a business that runs with no regret.
“This company deals in Real Estate. Any kobo invested in this business duplicates over the years. To become a consultant, you will pay only token of N1,650.
” To become a partner you pay N37,650 and this because a lot of free bills such as travelling are attached to this category. It is a business with no regret,” he said.
Favour Agbodi, a PWAN Consultant, said that the company had enriched her and those she brought into the network.
“Honestly, when I joined them I was broke and Shattered. But now I have a car to my name, travelled to several countries and a proud owner of four different lands in Nigeria.
“Here, you don’t need certificate. If you are passionate about what you want to do and achieve, I think it is a very good platform for you. You have to work for yourself,” she said.
Agbodi said that interested members of the public can register as a partner or consultant and would be paid commission for their services with other benefits.
Our correspondent reports that hundreds of Ibadan residents have started registering with the company, while some others are already participating in the free seminar.


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