Why Genuine APC Members should back Ajimobi Reconciliation Committee |By Teslim Odekunle


The reconciliation committee constituted by the immediate past governor of Oyo State, Senator Abiola Ajimobi, chaired by former governor Adebayo Alao-Akala is entirely credible and should enjoy the supports of all true progressives minded of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Oyo State.

It is our believe that true progressives seek ways to move ahead and overcome intra-party challenges whenever such is necessary, and not seek cause to worsen the crisis. By calling for the head of Senator Ajimobi simply because of mistakes he made while in office, some elements within our party have told us all that they are elements of retrogression. APC would seek to do without such people.

In a recent poorly crafted diatribe circulated online against the personality of Senator Ajimobi, signed by one faceless Yemi Afolabi of so-called Unity Forum, the senator was painted entirely
black and as someone who did not profit anyone during his administration. While this is totally untrue, we make bold to say that Ajimobi remains one of the best governors Oyo state ever had, and moved the state forward in every way desirable during his time.

Like every human beings, Ajimobi has his weaknesses, which he displayed as a governor. We do not however feel such extreme criticism brought upon him, and similar attacks against him, are in whatever way justifiable. Regardless of whatever anyone may say, Ajimobi is a former governor, he is also a former senator of the federal republic. None of those seeking to have his head chopped off practically can rival him in any way.

Quite unfortunately, leading those calling for Ajimobi’s head is Mr. Fatai Ibikunle, obviously the sponsor of the said vitriol against the personality of our former governor. While the entire message reeked of half-truths, we make bold to declare that Fatai Ibikunle is the least qualified to attack Ajimobi in any way. He remains one of the best beneficiaries of the former governor’s generosity and large heart. Till date, Ibikunle is reaping the fruits of the governance labours of
Senator Ajimobi!

If there actually are problems, should genuine progressivesnot be concerned about how to overcome such to enable intra-party progress and development? But for the Fatai Ibikunles of the APC, problems should be made to fester so that windows can be opened and avenues created to eat from various channels. It is true, Alhaji Lam Adesina (of blessed memory) introduced Ibikunle to politics, but what he (Ibikunle) is today is directly traceable to Ajimobi who
singlehandedly changed Ibikunle’s course of history. In fact, if Ajimobi ever made a mistake, bringing Ibikunle up to the political level he is today is clearly one of this. How extremely undeserving of Ajimobi’s favours has Fatai Ibikunle proven to be today!

But is it an error to seeks ways for others to grow as a leader? Fatai Ibikunle made from Ajimobi what he never made from Lam Adesina. For him to champion this latest campaign against the fingers that fed him is most undeserved,unbecoming and uncalled for. If Ajimobi ever made
mistakes, it is because people like Ibikunle fed him (AJIMOBI) with falsities while in office. So, part of that blame should go to Ibikunle himself!

In the shameful online diatribe under reference, Fatai Ibikunle is being praised as a leader! This is disappointing! When it comes to roll calls of leaders who have impacted positively on the progressives clan in Oyo state, Fatai does not come into the picture at all.

Where does someone put Ajimobi, Akala, Ayo Adeseun, Teslim Folarin, Prof Deolu Akande, Dr. Adewusi (Ibarapa) who are straight forward, honest and dependable, as much in words as in their conducts, and who would not demand money for them to choose aides. Can anyone objectively compare a clinically dead Ajimobi with full-blooded and life Ibikunle?

But the disappointing online message has ranked Fatai far ahead of Ajimobi, praising him as a champion of APC who
should be carried shoulder high for all we don’t yet know!

Ajimobi has not made any mistake constituting a committee to resolve lingering crisis in our party. Other groups, including Oyo APC Reformers Group, Oyo APC Aspirants Forum and Oyo APC Way Forward have preceded him in that move. What then is singularly and particularly condemnable in what he has done?

Finally, all peace-loving APC members and the general public should distance themselves from such ill-though and poorly written criticism of the former governor, as it represents the figment
of disgruntled imagination of nonentities with our party, including, unfortunately, the Fatai Ibikunles.

Long live APC, Oyo State
Long Live Senator Abiola Ajimobi
Long live APC Reformers Group
Long Live Oyo APC Aspirants Forum
Long Live Oyo APC Way Forward


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