Ajimobi: Forget ADC, PDP, ADP Rantings, I ‘ll Handover Power to Adelabu, a Competent, Godly Man


By Adams Akorede

Oyo State Governor, Senator Abiola Ajimobi, has said that he would handover the rein of governance to a competent, God-fearing man in person of the candidate of his party, the All Progressives Congress (APC), Chief Adebayo Adelabu.

He disclosed this in his address at this year’s Maulid Nabiyy (celebration of the birth of Holy Prophet Muhammad, SAW), held at the Remembrance Arcade, Government House, Agodi, Ibadan, on Tuesday.

In spite of his failings, as common with every mortal, the governor said that God had seen him through good and bad times and had always granted his heart desires.

Against this backdrop, he said he was confident that the ruling APC would retain power in the state, as well as at the federal level in 2019, notwithstanding the desperation of the major opposition parties to unseat the APC.

No fewer than three major opposition political parties; PDP, ADC and ADP are angling to take over from the APC in 2019 general elections.

Ajimobi said, “I cannot thank God enough for helping me and my administration this far. I have no doubts that it has been through the mercy of God that we have recorded our modest unprecedented achievements.

“Breaking the second term jinx was through the mercy of God and the strong backing and support of the stakeholders, including traditional rulers. If you trust in God like I do, nobody can intimidate or threaten your position.

“Before the APC governorship primary I prayed fervently that a God-fearing candidate should emerge and He has given us one. I can confidently say that we have endorsed him (Chief Adebayo Adelabu) and he will win by the grace of God.

“I’m happy to inform the whole people of Oyo State that our state will be left in the hands of a competent man of conscience; a man that also loves peace and above all, a religious man.”

Speaking on the essence of the celebration, the governor urged the people to imbibe the spirit of peaceful co-existence and to be their brother’s keepers, irrespective of their religious affiliation to emulate the Holy Prophet.

As the campaign for the 2019 general election gets underway, he admonished politicians to shun hate speech and violent tendencies, and to always remember that it was only in an atmosphere of peace and tranquility that the country could progress.

The Guest Lecturer, Sheikh Muideen Bello, used the occasion to drum support for the reelection of President Muhammadu Buhari, whom he said deserved to complete eight years in office like his predecessor.

He also called on the people of Oyo State to support the governorship candidate of the APC in the state in order for him to sustain what he called the good works of Ajimobi.

The popular preacher, however, advised the candidate to constantly seek advice from Ajimobi, whose almost eight years experience as a governor, he said, would be an asset to him as his successor.

In the middle of his sermon, Bello called out Adelabu to clarify his religious affiliation, with Adelabu informing the predominantly Muslim gathering that he “was born a Muslim and has not converted to another religion till date.”

Bello said, “A Christian President (Chief Olusegun Obasanjo) spent eight years in office. Now that it is the turn of Buhari, a Muslim, we should support him for a second term for him to also spend eight years.

“No matter the campaign of calumny against him from the camp of the opposition, the president is trying his best and he deserves another term. Adelabu has confirmed to us that he is a Muslim and this should end the speculation about where he belongs. Let us support him too.”


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