COVID-19: ABU Researchers Set to Unveil Herbal Cure


A group of researchers from Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), have declared they have discovered a cure for the novel COVID-19.

This is coming three days after President Muhammadu Buhari ordered the airlifting of a consignment of Madagascarā€™s COVID-19 organic from Guinea Bissau for treatment of the disease.

Speaking on Wednesday, on behalf of his colleagues fromĀ Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science,Ā Professor Haruna Abdu Kaita said the cure was developed from herbs found in different parts of the country.

Kaita said that while the names of the herbs will be made public, the different proportions of the herbs used will not be revealed to the public as that will remain part of their intellectual property. He also said the medication would soon be released to the public after successful trials and was found to be effective in curing any COVID-19 patient.

According to the University don, ā€œWe are not businessmen; therefore, we would not hide anything to the public. We will disclose all the plants we used in developing the medication.ā€œ

ā€œWe will do this for scientists across the world to scrutinise our remedy and come up with any challenge; particularly regarding the safety of the medication. What I mean is that, everything we used will be made public for scientific scrutiny.


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